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Social & Environmental Statistics Division

The Social & Environmental Statistics Division follows a well-defined process for its operations. This division initiates by collecting and subsequently publishing migration statistics, ensuring that this crucial information is made accessible to relevant stakeholders. Following this, the division compiles and publishes a comprehensive Statistical Abstract, providing a consolidated overview of vital data. Additionally, it conducts a thorough Labor Force Survey, producing and releasing a comprehensive report detailing labor force dynamics.

The division also plays a pivotal role in collecting, collating, and managing data related to education, health, and judicial statistics. Furthermore, it takes charge of compiling and publishing environmental statistics, contributing to our understanding of environmental trends and challenges.

Finally, the division maintains a monthly production schedule for tourism statistics reports, delivering up-to-date insights into this significant sector. This systematic approach ensures the division’s effectiveness in gathering and disseminating critical social and environmental data.

ACEO Social & Environmental Statistics Division
Papali'i Benjamin Sila

Principal Statistician - Migration Statistics Unit

Principal Statistician - Environment Stats
Mose Topeto

Senior Statistician - Migration
Faigalotu Taamilosaga

Senior Statistician & Environment Stats
Tausulu Vaai-Reupena

Statistical Officer
Sera Eti

Statistical Officer
Pepe Tavita

Statistical Clerk
Tiara Sialaoa

Statistical Clerk
Tafaoata Solomona

Statistical Clerk
Mafiti Mapu